Monday, January 9, 2017

A Health Commitment

I started a  Health Bet challenge group today!  It's a 28 day commitment to work out at least 3x a week, and have a Shakeology shake 5x a week.  At the end, you get a money payout for participating!  So, why did I sign up to do it?

1.  I never really follow through on fitness commitments.

I don't know how many times I've committed to a certain number of workouts a week, and never done it.  Even when I got my Fitbit, I rarely do more than 3 workouts per week.  I've been wanting to up my workouts as I seem to have hit a plateau in my journey to lose weight and get fit.  With this challenge group, you can do workouts at home, or at a gym, or at the Y. So, even if I can't make it to the Y during the week, I can still workout at home and it counts!

2.  I usually have coffee for breakfast.

Ever since I had Winry, I just don't like to eat breakfast.  I have coffee with creamer, and I'm good.  That's really not a healthy breakfast, so I decided to try Shakeology.  It is packed with nutrient-dense super foods, and is super easy to make in the morning...just a scoop, milk, and ice. 

3.  You get paid!

The Beachbody Health Bet is a $2 million prize split among finishers who complete the bet for the 28 days.  Who doesn't want to make money while doing something good?  All you have to do is log in 3 workouts per week, and drink Shakeology 5 days of the week and log that in with a picture.  Shakeology comes in a variety of flavors, so you can pick one or get a few packs of all of the flavors. The cash prize can be anywhere from $5-$500!!  Ladies I know who have done it before have gotten $20-$150! 

*I did talk and explain this challenge with my husband, who said I could do it.  He is very encouraging.  I'm already doing at least 2 if not more workouts a week lately, and I already had some Shakeology from my last pregnancy.  My Zumba/PiYo instructor gave me a half bag so I could get some nutrition despite not being able to keep things down. 

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